

EasyControl Sass Application

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Short Explanation

Technology in the hotel industry continues to advance at a rapid pace and hotel management software (HMS) remains essential for hoteliers looking to improve the running of their business. With software, hotel operators can streamline their administrative processes and improve their overall hotel management system.

The hotel management system is not only important for your own day-to-day operations, but it’s a vital part of the overall guest experience. From the beginning of your guests’ online booking journey until the completion of their stay and their feedback once they return home, it is necessary for your hotel management technology to enhance their experience with your brand.

Project Purpose

1. Managing bookings

Hotel management system should help efficiently and effectively manage bookings. Neither owner, nor their staff, should be tasked with manually inputting bookings and managing those across all your distribution channels. A Hotel management system should automate the booking process for stuff, allowing owner to escape the back office and focus more on interacting with your guests.

2. Direct bookings

It should allow staff to actively drive direct bookings to website. Travellers today are more apt to book online than they are to call to finalise bookings or partner with a travel agent.Direct bookings help to maximise the revenue that you generate per booking.

3. Channel management

Managing hotel with software that offers a channel manager will allow stuff to create and implement a diverse distribution strategy that continually drives bookings.

4. Hotel website

Software should help enhance owner online presence. So, hotel management system is only effective if your guests inspire with website speed , user experience and user interface.That's why , choosing the best React Js as a frontend is the best choose.

Tech Stack Used

EasyControl is a system which is created by using React js and Express js as the back-end framework. The frontend was created using React and bootstrap to provide a good developer experience as well as other advantages. Data from users is sent to the server and stored in a Mongo database.

As a challenge , I have to implement first time password verification, forget password by email and strip payment. For the library we use numerous libraries such as:

  • React Hook Form for form management and form validation
  • React Datepicker for accessible date input
  • React Toastify for giving toast about success and error
  • Redux For State Managment.

App Demo & Screenshots

Pro tip: click the image to make it full screen
