Short Explanation
Project Goals
To make a website like Udemy for making education online at the country level website. This website has several functionalities which are:
- There are 3 types of users which are student , teacher & admin
- Authentication with credential + email verification + forget Password.
- Browse courses and provide a filter to help them find one
- buy course with strip payment
- Profile page where all buyed course available also able to change his profile data.
- Dynamically able to add course by teacher and admin .
Tech Stack Used
E-learning is a web app using React js and Express js as the back-end framework. The frontend was created using React and Material UI to provide a good developer experience as well as other advantages. Data from users is sent to the server and stored in a Mongo database.
As a challenge , I have to implement first time password verification, forget password by email and strip payment .
App Demo & Screenshots
Pro tip: click the image to make it full screen
The Problems and How I Deal With It
Definitely, time is a problem, but good grip in mern stack I sprinted all of the UI and UX layout in just about 12 days, and done full application with testing in under 20 days . Application Included 18 pages .
Lessons Learned
Definitely, time is a problem, but good grip in mern stack I sprinted all of the UI and UX layout in just about 12 days, and done full application with testing in under 20 days. Application Included 18 pages .
Github Link
- Frontend: React + Material UI